We are so excited that Baby Sawyer Jeanne Davis has arrived! She was born on 3/18/15 at 11:27 a.m., weighing 8 lbs. 13 1/2 ozs and 21 inches long. She is beautiful and has the most pinchable cheeks and lots of dark hair. She's perfect in every way and we couldn't be happier for Rusty and Tamara on the birth of their daughter. We headed over to HCMC last night to be able to snuggle our new niece for the first time. The girls were a little hesitant around her but gave her a kiss before we left. I could have spent hours holding her as she's such a content and sweet little girl. Tamara had quite the induction before she came, so hopefully her and Rusty are getting lots of sleep now that their little angel is here.
Proud parents! |